Friday, November 21, 2008

FUN! try it. thanks stripes.

Rules:- Choose a band/singer- Answer the following using ONLY titles of songs by that band/singer

Are you male or female? Mary's Song. (my oh my)

Describe yourself? Fearless.

What do people feel when they’re around you? The best day.

How would you describe your previous relationship? You should've said no.

Describe your current relationship. You're not sorry.

Where would you want to be now? Come in with the rain.

How do you feel about love? I'm only me when I'm with you.

What’s your life like? Teardrops on my guitar.

What would you ask for if you had only one wish? Invisible.

Say something wise. "Now i know why the trees change in the Fall."

Taylor Swift.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tay Swifty ...

i am obsessing over the new Taylor Swift C.D.
if you like music, if your a girl, if you have boy problems, LISTEN !!

Friday, November 7, 2008


bored. made a new one where stripes does her, it just seems so much more interesting! :)


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


homecoming weekend was a blast. havent been that drunk in SO long, which is always a good time. i was the only roomate not to puke, besides jenna--you know here miss alki!

monday was just one of those weird days for me. i didnt want to get out of bed at all, so i didnt. haha i skipped my 11 oclock class, my 1 oclock (which doesnt take attendance, so it doesnt count to me) and i thought i would go to my 3 oclock health class, i walked all the way across campus to find a note on the door reading CANCELLED. yayyyy! came home and chilled with the girls, talked to my dad on the phone- which was really awkward cause its usually a really fake converstaion going something like this "oh schools great, just doing some homework, ya i miss you too, yes alot, ya just send me the tuition check, and ill see ya around christmas (ps-havent seen him since.. march!) okay dad i love you, i miss you too" but for some reason i hung up right after the word "too, ok bye" came out cause i just started balling. for the first time i actually realized how much i miss my dad. the dad i grew up with, not the man i know now- but the one that i knew before all the mess in my life happened with my family. whatever im not gonna sit and blog about how bad my childhood was, cause honestly i could write a book- and im not that person to sit around and dwell in my self pity about how shitty my childhood was, but before all that shit happened HE WAS THE COOLEST GUY EVER! i was the biggest daddy's girl ever, and i couldnt stand when anyone ever brought my dad down, like he was the fireman hero daddy that every girl wished they had! and for some reason i cant seem to find him anywhere. not in chicago, not in florida. not in a phone conversation. i feel like that guy doesnt exist anymore. my roomates told me that i should write him a letter and let him know how much i really hurt, knowing how selfish he is. ive heard the same shit over and over "ill come in and see eiu real soon, i mean i am paying for it!" YET, HE HAS YET TO SEE IT. and lacks the part of a father that actually cares. its okay i have mommy- who called me to let me know she filled my account with some cashola, and that i can make my monday night trip to walmart with the girls. we could prob feed a family of 20 with the amount of food we have in our pantry/fridge/and mini fridge.
couldnt fall asleep last night/nor this morning. actually fell asleep around 7:30 and woke up around 9. well i think 7:30, cause the last time i went to the bathroom was 7:20ish.

Tuesday- woke up today and had some cereal, which is odd for me cause i dont do breakfast, even though i know i should- APPLE CINNAMON CHEERRRRRRRRRIOS! :) angela picked me up and drove me to class, so nice of her. hey she offered. went to badminton, came back had lunch with jenna, went to dance class, came home and watched 'Charlie Bartlett' with jenna and meliss. Im smelling the aroma of garlic and teriyaki from melissa's dinner she cooked for herself. finally just getting to relax and continue on my new book. gonna make some of my new tea tonight. thanks stripes. P.S.- BINX went to the doctor, andhehas an upper respiratory infection, is on antibiotics *thank god, he will finally stop sneezing* and then can finally be declawed. :) yayyy no more ruining our couches. but the little guy is asleep next to me, what a sweeeetie.

gonna carve my pumpkin tonight. i was reinacting the family at a pumpkin patch last night when i got my pumpkin. brandon would be kicking the pumpkins, i would be choosing the most round and perfect one, and steven would be up my mom's ass like MOMMMMY LOOK AT MINE! and dad would be ... AT THE FIREHOUSE! BUT... btw my pumpkin is just how i liked it to be when i was yiddle. perfect height, color, and no bruises or dirt spots. give me some ideas as to what to carve it into ! :)

ahhh that feels good to get it all out. KELLY CLARKSON CONCERT IN 3 DAYS! hollllaz!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

the words of my roomates.


"i cant wait go get older and my GUYFRIEND comes home and says, DADDY'S HOME!"

"wanna see the bruise on my tit?" -"i did it, it was me!"


"if you disappeared, no one would look for you, you loose, cause i'm the winner!"

"I'm perfect! PERFECT PERFECT!"


"I'm going to lock that cat in the laundry room if he keeps whining like a baby!"


i make Jambalaya for dinner ----"spicy food gives me headaches guys" jenna ("walking gives me headaches")

"Rhea, I'm ready to stop being a hater, i'll start loving now!"


Monday, October 13, 2008


Love- An archaic but commonly used way to say ZERO in the tennis scoring system. [or in Lauren's game of Life/Love.]

Sunday, October 12, 2008

stripes--forgot this part.

went to bed last night in a white v-neck shirt. the one that Will wrote on the back.

"SLUT" with an arrow pointing to my ass.

didnt change before breakfast. got up to use the washroom, get the table, pay the bill. i wonder how many people saw my shirt saying "SLUT".

--found out it was the shirt after Tania's mom said, Lauren i think theres something written on your shirt. thank god ive been using "shout" on it, but you can still read it out.



objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

i turn and look in the back seat to see this one.

brat wouldn't let me take a picture.

our new roomate. thachary binx. (hocus pocus)

looks how 90's my cd collection is. just too name a few. ricky martin, jewel, linkin park, 98 degrees, spice girls, mariah carey, and b-spears. wow. eclectic 10 yr. old :)
had a wonderful, busy, eventful 4 day weekend at home. THURSDAY- drove home to O.P. and met Steven & Chris at Home Run Inn, in chicago. by our old house. had a good dinner and then went back to chris' for a little bit, left and went home. rhea and big georgia came over with "half backed" pint icecream(s) and we had a girls night talk, then we all went in the basement and just chilled with steevoosh and chris. melissa and ryan stopped by and i ended up going to bed early cause i had a migrane.
FRIDAY-slept till 12:30, went downstairs and watched the recording of Grey's Anatomy. i love coming home from school to find the house decorated like were 5 yrs. old again. pumpkins, leaves, and ghosts all around the house. i invited jenna over to play at the park with me, we went with steven to the park with our tennis raquets and basketball and ran around again like 5 yr. olds. came back had lunch, rhea came over, melissa came over and i went and got my eyebrows waxed! FINALLY- i was looking like a beast. talked with mama and the girls, took a shower and me and mellancamp had power hour in my basement, then i made a terrific bonfire and we sat in my yard. coors lights and a bonfire- verrrr nice. okay ended up drinking like 11 beers- wastedddd. jill stopped over, rhea big and lil g's, and genie to chill in the yard with us for a little bit. then they all went home and mellancamp fell asleep in the family room, woke up at like 5:30 went in my bed and slept till 11.
SATURDAY- steevoosh and mamusia woke me up- blinds up, water bottle, advils, and stomach medicine. =] picked up rhea. took a shower. got ready for SIX FLAGS FRIGHT FEST! what a ballin time. i drove, chris sat in the front with me and danced the whole time, steven, jill, rhea and georgia all boogied in the back. six flags was packed! so we only went on a few rides. wizzer, viper, american eagle, and 3 spinny upside ones like in those little mardi gras towns. RAGING BULL WAIT WAS 3 HOURS! insane. came home and then i slept over at rheas. we just chilled outside and talked for a yiddle bit, had some camels' and went to bed.
TODAY- woke up, picked up tania. me rhea and tania went to blueberry hill pancake house for breakfast. the new one on Bell Rd. my favorite restaurant for breakfast ever! had the 'luck of the irish skillet' then went home and watched the bears game with steevoosh. so pissed we lost :( it was a great game. rhea picked me up, drove back to eiu with mel and the new kitty cat. THACHARY BINX- like the black cat from Hocus Pocus (LOVE THAT MOVIE) ps. he's black and 3 months old. adorable. such a good boy. sleeps a lot. got "fourth meal" for dinner and now were just chillen and doing homework. did my sunday chore so i can relax for the night.
THIS WEEK- 3 major tests, two midterms. its gonna suck. but good weekend at home, and homecoming is this week. were expecting a few visitors. CANT WAIT FOR HALLLLOOWEEENNN! :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

vegas skies.

grr. acid reflex go away!

melissa is cooking dinner tonight, litttle scared haha!

i saw my advisor today- got a little overwhelmed because there are a lot of requirements, but i have a lot done- so thats good. i have to take math and KINIESIOLOGY! nooooooo! i know thats my major but from everyone i talk too, they all say thats their hardest class for their major. sad.

fast as you can - great song, but melissa wont stop playing it! BOOF!

i have tons of homework to do tonight, i think im just gonnna sit down and finish all my homework for the week, so i can be done and play.

still undecided if im going home for Fall Break or nott.

ive been listening to The Cab all day today. its fun to walk to class with my ipod, i just couldnt live with out. i know dramatic, but i like to space my steps to the beat. so sometimes ill time myself and ill make it to class in ten minutes or a slow song and make it in 15 minutes.

p.s.- i got caught in the rain twice today. i have the shiver's :(

Monday, October 6, 2008

public possession.

thurs- Carrie Underwood concert. Firehaus bar at u of i. Slumbo with my other set of roomates. another good time at 103 cha**ers, the concert was amazing and so were our seats.

fri- drove back to eiu, was very crabby and menstrual. took a 2 hr. nap, showered, and people started to come over to our small get together (pajama beerpong!!) just an excuse to not dress up. turned out great, about 25 people were here- no drama, and everyone had a good time.

sat- steven and chris left, i decided to get a huge hair cut, cutting off 7 1/2 inches of nasty hair. i love the new look. its helping with the whole confidence aspect, and its easier to do. came back and got the shakes cause i didnt eat so i laid down for a bit, woke up and had some cereal. the boys came over and we started to play some flippy cup where i ended up beating all 5 people on the opposite team .. ya. beast?
then some more people came over and we headed over to justins. was having a great time talking to mystery man Zach. who i need to find. went outside to help some friends out not end up getting in a fight, and i got caught with a beer in my hand. was put into the cop car, and i thought i was fucked. i am pretty much- but it couldve been worse. i was very respectful and answered everything with a yes sir, no sir answer. i have to be present in court with an attorney, to plead my case- doesnt this all sound fake? ya. i wish it was. then some other family drama occurred that my close people know about, im not going to blog about it. but i was a wreck, pretty upset that sat night/sun morning. ended up going to bed at 5:30,i laid with rhea and she talked with me and helped me fall asleep, and stop shaking.

sun- chill day fo sho! watched the bears win, the sox win, went to buffalo wild wings with my friends, then came home and did some homework and went to bed. yet i didnt sleep more than like 20 minutes so i ditched classes today 2/3 but one didnt take attendance. dinner in half hour. at thomas dining hall with LINDSAY! *old .r.a* nicest person in this entire world. not kidding.

soo hungry.
soo happy with new hair.
soo dont want to be in school anymore.
soo excited for dinner.


Monday, September 29, 2008

a poem.

Hero Dad
You are my hero, Dad
You're my secure foundation.
When I think of you,
I'm filled with love
And fond appreciation.
You make me feel protected;
I'm sheltered by your care.
You're always my true friend;
When I need you, you're always there.
You have a place of honor
Deep within my heart.
You've been my superhero, Dad,
Right from the very start.

By Joanna Fuchs

hahahahaha i wish.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

dont take life for granted.

pray for the family. Uncle Jim passed away last night. makes me truly appreciate my wonderful family and amazing friends who really care. not going to blog much tonight. but going home tomorrow to attend the family services. thanks for the thoughts and prayers. "DONT TAKE LIFE FOR GRANTED"

Rest in Peace James Kreminski.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white!" -Mean Girls.

"Horrible, Horrible. If you makes you feel any better, I forgot my reading glasses." -Home Alone

"Well color me happy, theres a sofa in here for two!"- Pretty Woman.

"Tell me one person who it's worked out for? What? you want me to name someone? You want like a name? Oh God, the pressure of a name...I got it- CINDAFUCKINRELLA! -Pretty Woman.

i heard this weekend that my blog wasnt impressive anymore and that it was too debbie downer. so i though i would put some funny quotes in the beginning- THERE YA GO CHRIS! haha.

so i thought about another tattoo idea last night. I was really set on getting the roman numerals on my wrist, but a smart fella told me that it shouldnt be the first one i get (or atleast dont get it on my wrist). so i might be getting a "dreamcatcher" on my right shoulder blade. Dreamcatchers were used by the Indians to catch all of the bad dreams and make all your real and good dreams come true. I think its such a cool concept, and forgot that i always had one since i was little over my bed, until we moved when i was 14 i lost it. It was turquoise and brown. the tat i get will have turquoise in it, to remind me of my old one.

i skipped tennis today! wtf- i was doing so good, going to all my classes-- but its true, once you miss one, you wake up and say ohh whatever were not doing anything important today- well im all of out absences for my tennis- were allowed two freebies then they start to count against you. i shouldve waited till the snowy weather came, not 87 and sunny. dumbass.

Just starting to write a paper for Health class- the one that i could literally teach; blinded and with no prior notes. soooo sad.

got my Human Physiology test back- 81%, thought i couldve done better, but i'll settle for a B! tonight i might be rejoining the Haiti Connection. I feel bad that im not doing like i did last year to help people. i feel useless? noo thats too emo- i just want to feel like a good person again. its a good cause and i have nothing going on tuesday nights anyways-

melissa and i are making some cool looking bracelets, and we just got done eating Chubby's. just kill me now. haha Parents weekend coming up this weekend- momma bill steven maybe brandon and chris are coming up friday, and then saturday were gunna go to the football game and during half time- grill with Will's family and all of our friends and parents! holla to a good time.


Monday, September 22, 2008

i'll update soon. sorry so busy. :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

asian cuisine.

jump asian cuisine at carman hall for dinner. met up shelby baby cause we havent seen her since my bday party. what a good friend. we were so close last year, and its really weird not having her next to me everyday like last year was. literally walked me to the bathroom because i was afraid of the silence and someone else walking in. she would sit next to me on the pot and pretend to pee until i was done. now THATS a fucking friend. :) and she was the best fricken eye brow plucker, i swear shes asian.

we i walk over to the fortune cookie bowl after finishing my delicious chicken terryaki dinner. complete with an egg woll :) and there are three left. one for rhe, one for shelb, one for me. i open mine. NOT A FORTUNE TO BE FOUND INSIDE OF MY FORTUNE COOKIE- rheas is like you will be a fucking millionaire and shelbys had to have said something along the lines of your the prettiest girl and youll be famous one day. mine- BLANK, A BLANK FRICKEN COOKIE. i dont know if thats bad good, or good luck- or nothing at all since theyre made in a factory. but as my favorite thing to do at carman is to get my fortune cause i save them all and put them on my bulletin board- and i get jipped. not cool.

sitting her in the family room having a captain/diet coke with rhea as she continues to play the same level over and over in "diddy kongg racingg!" i am sitting and admiring my new yellow leather watch complete with diamonds and a sick background. :) i love changing jewerly. lets see tomorrow class from 11-4, tomorow tennis dance, human phys lab. then NIU to see petros and ANTHONY! :) :) cant waitttttttttt!

is it good to exercise after a drink or two? ahahaha this should be funny.

Monday, September 15, 2008


stand up comedy is the greatest thing to watch on a monday night with your roomates.

Ellen Degeneres "Here and Now!" takes it to the next level. She takes everyday life situations that everyone goes through and makes you laugh and feel socially accepted. she brings up tripping in public, calling someones name and they dont hear you (NANCY!), grabbing for toilet paper in a public bathroom, and how to talk to people (not engaged in full converstaion).

downloaded some new songs in class today, listened to "classs- I'M SERIOUS!" about 50 times.

made dinner for the roomates and i- pastaa and homemade garlic bread. OTH is on tonight at 8, so the apartment is gonna go nutzo! i saw this picture today and i wanted to post it.

-----> house in bambara-mali, Africa.
and some complain when they dont have their own room. guilty. i need to learn how to appreciate people and relationships rather than objects and material things. i love to shop and i always want more. but when does more get to be too much? idk. just a thought.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

dick shaped mints.

rhea went to a bachelorette party this weekend and brought me some gifts back. dick shaped mints are my favorite. so good. :)

rhe stumbled across this note from last year and i though i would share, (we were really cool freshman last year!) (BOOF!) --

Keep this note till the day you day!
I love you!
you are my bestfriend!
today's date is october 21st 3:52 a.m.
these are our crazy college days coming up!
lets get rowdy!
and have a blast. love ya kid!
Love, Lauren Terese Kathryn Hurn
p.s. we just smoked 3 bowls with chris dezutter!!!
and we got ya high for the first time ever!
"gotta stay flyyy, till we dieee"

WOW- thank god you mature during college. i will never be that child that writes notes like that to my friends ever again. p.s. rhea's name was written inside of a cloud. BOOOF!

i got my late bday presents from rhe rhe-a sweet scarf, a shirt, and earrings from forev's!

sitting here listening to some old school musica! michael jackson! mariah carey! ballin!

u of i was an amazing fantastic time. havent laughed like that in a really long time. thurs was dinner at seven saints then 'BROTHERS' bar. top night top night. friday went with kellz to get her hair done at this fabulous hair salon. why dont we have anything cool like that on our eiu campus. boof! ate at a diner with some awesome service (i think people forget how to wait tables, it was the third time this has happened with kelllee v. is it us?) went home showerd and got ready but i wasnt feeling good. too much dunkin iced cooffee mixed with excedrin :) la hurn style fo sho! went to kellz friends apt, where i ended up feeling really sick and jsut wanted to sit on the couch like a big ugly debbie! dave was a gentleman and walked me home, i had a pop and laid on the couch. sat--woke up and went to HOWBOUTABAGEL! verry verry good. went back took a 3 hour nap, amazing! woke up went to dinner at the fantastic PANERA! haha were classy bitches. scarfed that food down and got ready for another eventful night. went to abdu's (? spelling) apt. where kellee was co-hosting. aka showing up late and drinking for free ahah. where then someone spotted an undercover cop (bald head, glasses, and actually bought a cup!!) i think i was the only underager there that didnt overreact and get a drinking ticket! yayy me! left that place and went to Legends Bar- what a good fucking night! 12 pitches later. 7 drunk children walked their asses back to 103 for some more fun, raptor/dragon noises, and pizzzaa! woke up today got some greasy food and some more BAD SERVICE. honestly.?. was a bumm allll day! just chilled and waited for the debbies to pick me up. got back to Chuckie town. made a TURKEY WRAP! diet coke. payed bills. and had a pow wow with rhea in our HUGE closet. it was hilarious. we were literally sitting on the ground drinking our tea ( lahurn style) and talking about everything and everyone. like usual. ended in a good hug. she is now hanging up some more posters of gorgeous men. she gets to look at my HIDEOUS (guess who!) peg board ($34) and pictures with james dean- and i get to stare at half naked nick lachey and david beckham. what a diverse room. too funny. is nick lachey even alive anymore, come on rhe!

class tomorrow at 11- run the mile and half, tubz going on the track next to barbie, elma, and mr. pike's himself. yayyy for diversity across this campus.
Bio-awesome teacher who calls everyone a dick. including her boss.
Health- all she says is "im serious!" i could teach that class with no books, or lesson plans "IM SERIOUS!"

then ill most likely cook some dinner, maybe pasta? then its ONE TREE HILL NIGHT! like omgs'! love us.

wisdom teeth coming in-shifting teeth- not cool. gotta go floss, brush, mouthwash, and retainer that shit.

ta ta for now- LaHurn

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


right shoulder is in pain. hurt it today in the ATP lab working out, for my fitness for life class. just took some ibuprofen. kinda crabby today- just one of those days, I'm ready for the weekend and I'm ready to just relax. tomorrow i have to teach tennis class at 10am, then dance, lab, then off to u of i for the weekend. gonna go shopping tomorrow, dinner, then out. missed class today on accident, overslept during my nap. not much to write about today. gonna watch the battle on mtv LOVEEE the battle shows. peace.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Dont call me, Dont text me, Dont call me bff. This is for you!

crazy about each other
we both have fucked up pasts
but when we are together
we have a fucking blast

I don’t know where we’re going
but i know we’ve gone too far
and i hope it isn’t showing
but i think i love you
and i can’t believe you’re leaving
just when i let you in, and
when you had me believing
i could feel again

i’ve shown up for you in ways that girl never would
but i know you’ll go back to her and maybe you should,
but i hope you don’t go backwards cuz i’m going on ahead
and one day you’ll wish that you had stuck with me instead

-Hear Me : Kelly Clarkson (to the next one, hopeful thinking)

you gotta be out there
you gotta be somewhere
where ever you are, I'm waiting

Hear me I'm crying out- I'm ready now
turn my world upside, find me
I'm lost inside the crowd its getting loud
I need you too see I'm screaming for you
to please- Hear me.

I used to be scared of
Letting someone in
But it gets so lonely
Being on my own
No one to talk to
And no one to hold me
I'm not always strong
Oh, I need you here
Are you listening?

-- I wish i was taleneted at writing lyrics.

Things i like, Lambchop, Toy KEY wrap!

The attitude i wish i had, learning to stand up for myself day by day.
The Tattoo i decided on. :)
The Style i want to dress like, ohh one day when I'm... famous?

I did good. She did good. All is good.

Me being lame in class, trying to show my roomates that

I am an antisocial cuntie in class, but i have a reason- I'm not a fan of the sorority people, they just dont seem interesting so i tend to myself, my iPhone, and texting.

Getting ready to watch One Tree Hill with the roomies. dont know why i got sucked into this show, but it just pulls ya in and it always leaves you with wanting to watch it again next week. I guess its cause my roomies gave me a character to live vicariously through :) Or i mean Rhea- rooming with her last year, i was forced to watch that instead of being a loyal american idol watcher.
BOOF- severe weather alarm just popped up on the TV! i lovee watching storms!
driving in them? NOT SOOO MUCH.
dinner- im going to turn into a fucking turkey wrap. its all i eat these days. and a yummy diet coke with 6 pieces of ice :)
i want to be hyper and my friends wont let me. theyre being huge fricken debbies and im making myself laugh so hard that im in tears! doing the "OH CHERRRRII" voice from LAMBCHOP! mu hahahaha
i think im going home this weekend. theres nothing else to do and i dont wanna be stuck with ....... all weekend and be bored- unless theres other plans. going to u of i on thursday for dinner and maybe staying so i can go to the bars, & play with friends. and then walking home. if i go home. ughh boof!
hope you liked my pics, im sooo bored that thats what this blog had to be about.
-LaHurn xx.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

it wasnt even good, TRUST me!

saturday night. very crabby and annoyed. i am supposed to be at u of i right now with the roomies and the rest of this weekend's party crew, but instead i sit here and blog. whoo rude people. listened to A LOT of Kelly Clarkson today. she's my escape into my world of feelings. put on a song of hers, and immediately you connect. i know a lot of people view her as a sell out or only because of her song on the radio "since you been" being over played, but get into the rest of the cd and she just hits that target everytime.

"i'm confusing as hell, I'm north and south-and I'll probably never have it all figured, but what i know is i wasnt meant to walk this world without you, and i promise i'll try, ya I'm gonna try, to give you every little part of me every single detail you missed with your eyes, and maybe- maybe ya maybeee.
-i should know better than to touch the fire twice
-i certainly dont need to be found, I'M NOT LOST- I need to be loved."

ohhh K.C. love off my lifeeee!

yesterday-was amazing! all of my favorite people came over to help end the birthday celebration. all the roomies, steven, chris, kv, x, loski, kim, karen, shelby,sam, lil chris, will, steve, tony, stevee, and some others! i just spent the morning sleeping and then woke up and cleaned the apt, got a case of MGD 24 (my fave) (DARK BEER!!!) took a shower, straightened the main, opened my gifts from twinkie- got awesome earrings from urban and finally my purple people eater hoodie zippy from A.A.!! then my u of i friendss came! kellee, x, and lauren. i was laughing my ass off because they came drunk! MD! well not all of them came drunk cause yanno driving and what not so i had to play catchh up but luckily i wasnt the only one. started drinking here, made my visitors some fooddd, took a hour to pick an ugly outfit that i eventually changed out of at wills (thanks for the shorts willie!) then the rest of the eiu gang came over! lovee lovee lovee you lauren was said to me.. hmm- did u love me when it was my brithday and you werent at my dinner! ahah im a cunite. anywaysss then the gang of like 20 or more people walked like an army brigade over to will's and startedd the dance partayy! it was a lot of fun -- steven hurn did a keg stand *beer stand* and was DROPPPPED! then stripes tried getting me to do it, and luckily she didnt see my run away behind will's heater. i was soooo scared cause i didnt wanna be vulnerable, even though everyone was drunkski already but im a classy bitch, not a keg stander! :) then sat outside, started to be mean drunkie gal to will-felt really bad but i was trying to get my point across and people were covering my mouth :( HATE THAT! so i continued to listen and then just sat and smoked my cig, shut my mouth and ended up getting the uut'z so we left! came home-fought kellee again! about the sleeping situation, little cuntie. fought with jenna about something i dont even remember- i hate when i get the mean drunk.. i was so happy and sweet then BAM i went all steven hurn on everyone, but with the best intentions of my friends in mind.. i dont know if that makes sense or not?

woke up to crabby's leaving the apt. sat on the couch and fell back asleep-- woke up and found out the rudest news ever haha. the gang didnt feel like heading over to u of i, minus my love rhea! so we sat around all day trying to decide on what to do since we werent heading to k.v's - such a sad sad sadddd day! i wanted to go sooo bad and celebrate the end of the bday weekend and go out with my besties but they were all hungover and lazy. so whatev's ill make it out there in the next couple weeks.

tattoo-- what to get, i have a couple of ideas but im not to sure on where to get it. im thinking wrist how i was gunna get it when i turned 19 but it was turned down, until mama said that i could get it if it was nice and small and that she would pay for it. BDAY PRESENT? yess!

well its not even 9 yet, i say we get in the car and suprise pixie and the roomies.. but i dont think that'll pass. whatev's !

-i leave you with this---- K.C. "sloww, sloww it down-why do we run were missing so much babe just lay in my arms for a while and- Be Still"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

its 9 in the afternoon, your eyes are the size of the moon!


its turned out to be a decent day. didnt sleep very well last night cause my stomach hurt soo bad, and i was out of stomach ulser medicine, but eventually fell asleep around 4:30am- woke up at 8:00 for class! woke up to some special birthday texts which started my day out better than i thought. went to tennis, and got sunburn on my nose and cheeeks under eyes, which looked great with the suntan that is slowly fading away, along with summer. BUT it was 88 degrees here in charleston today, which was nice not to wake up to a storm or snow, i would hate my bday if it were to be around the snowy holidays. ANYWAYS A.D.D. KICKS IN- came back from class and ordered pizzza with the roomates, went to dance class where it was about 105 degrees in the gym underneath the basketball court. learned to chasse' and plea'. fuck im not a dancer unless theres a bumpin beat in the backgroun, not a woman in tights teaching me how to leap across the floor- i should videotape myself in that classroom, it is humorous to look in the mirror and see myself leaping like a ballerina across the floor in my bare feet and jorts! HAHA!

-pause to drink my mgd 64!

--come back from class to find my lovely roomates baking me a birthday cake. (funfetti and milk chocolate frosting) (they are so good to me!) steve, kevin, and their friend came over and suprised me. steve-- made me two awesome bracelets and a *jack and sally* card- the characters from blink 182's song (we can live like jack and sally) he calls me sally and i call him jack, but needless to say it was soo awesome for them to come over and suprise me for 30 mintues, and i got a sweeet card! we showerd and head out for buffalo wild wings. it was ME, rhea, jenna, melissa, tony, kerry, morgan, and joesuph! tony got me a really funny card and a nice little puppy to sleep with, he is the best! i still am wearing my angels wings necklace from jenna. i feel like i cant take it off- its such a part of me.. it means more than a necklace to me... hmm weird?

came back here- kristen, molly, lisa, jessica, lindsay, tonya kay, and will came over- we drank little bit, sang bday song to me, GOT LOCKED OUTTA MY ROOM (my world) it was a horrible feeling- no locksmith open. WILL AND LINDS BUSTED MY SCREEN OPEN, LINDS GOES CRAWLING THROUGH THE WINDOW AND yayyy! talked to steven like 50 times today :) loveee him!

pancake ( dad ) finalllly called, at 9:00pm florida time, does it really count anymore at that time, some people say it does and atleast he called. then thers my mom- an incredible, wonderful, loving person who calls me all day, sends me flowers, and texted me on my birth time 10:46 am! what a doll, i cant wait to see her! :)

so jenna is sitting with me in the family room, its nice to have her up with me- i feel like we havent had any best friend time in a while, alone just to bond and talk. yet we still I.M. eachother from the next couch over, haha i love our friendship!

48 hours till my family and friends ( the most important people to me) come to eiu and help my finish my birthday celebration! ughhh i cant wait- get your party facess on baby!!!

thanks to everyone for helping me make my birthday a special one, a great one, and one that i will always remember! i will not forget this birthday, and i feel like it went really good even though i was seperated from my twinkie :) love you allllll

Monday, September 1, 2008

when it rains.

birthday necklace from jenna.
Lyrics i want to share. Paramore-When It Rains.

And when it rains, On this side of town it touches, everything.
Just say it again and mean it. We don't miss a thing.
You made yourself a bed At the bottom of the blackest hole (blackest hole)
And convinced yourself that It's not the reason you don't see the sun anymore

And oh, oh, how could you do it? Oh I, I never saw it coming.
Oh, oh, I need the ending.
So why can't you stay Just long enough to explain?

And when it rains, Will you always find an escape?
Just running away, From all of the ones who love you,From everything.
You made yourself a bed At the bottom of the blackest hole (blackest hole)
And you'll sleep 'til May
And you'll say that you don't want to see the sun anymore

And oh, oh, how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming. And oh, oh, I need the ending
.So why can't you stay just long enough to explain?
Take your time. Take my time.
Take these chances to turn it around. (take your time)
Take these chances, we'll make it somehow

And take these chances to turn it around. (take my...)
Just turn it around.
Oh, how could you do it?Oh I, I never saw it coming.
Oh, oh, how could you do it?Oh I, I never saw it coming.
Oh, oh, how could you do it?Oh I, I never saw it coming.
Oh, oh I need an ending.
So why can't you stay Just long enough to explain?
You can take your time, take my time

"Don't say i never gave you anything..."

two early birthday gifts from Haley J Scott (jenna). she is really the one who knows me best. got my the sickest gifts ever ( i dont even like the word sick, but i said it like 4 times today!!) this AWESOME necklace from urban outfitters. its gold and has angel wings (Peyton Sawyer from OTH wears it) and a Kelly Clarkson album that i can hang on the wall. AMAZING! I'm very into discovering old albums and starting an album collection, so i finally got my second piece of it, and it was the first gift of my birthday! woot! i'm happy she is back from the weekend, feels better when all of us are here- we went through this whole sad stage last year when i was at school and she was home, and she was only gone for 4 days and it felt like last year again when she would call me very upset cause i wasnt thurr for hurr.. sad sad day- but not today cause shess home! and buys the best presents everrrr!


10:45am -Steven Paul Christopher (my wombmate was born)
10:46am -Lauren Terese Kathryn (his wombmate was born)

talked to mommy tonight. she cried on the phone cause the poor gal fell while walking the dog and scraped her face, and im usually there to be her nurse, and then she said she feels bad that i'm away at school and not home with her or my bro for my birthday- literally needs to stop being brought up! haha.

tomorrow i have class from 10:00-11:40 TENNIS! my teacher is soo nice so im excited, then i have a break and then class from 2:00-3:40 DANCE! ughhh the life is soo hard. haha then rhea planned a nice little dinner in my behalf at Bufffffalo wild wings in matttoon! :) hollaz. i had jenna write out a card in my name for steven and drop it off at the house for him today becuase i forgot to give him the one i had for him here.. he read it and jenna made fun of me in the card that was supposed to be from me! what a lil cuntie.. haha

so stripes just posted up new pics that made me piss myself. maybe ill get to be in the life in plastic gang one day. :(

well i have to go help melissa bake cookies, for my birthday?? i dont remember ever cooking my own bday treats in the past buts its cool its cool.

peace out!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

birthdayy presents para muah!

these are the items that i am receiving from mommy for my bdayy! or just some items i'd like to list on my "wish list" i dream big, reall big!
so i woke up today, at 1:12pm! finally got a full night of sleeep, not on a couch, not on a floor! in my ownn bed-dark and silent! ahhh paradise. rhe rhe wooke me up by saying, can i come cuddle- what a way to wake up, shes only sweet to me in the morning cause she knows that i cant fight back or even open my eyes!

---went to subway for breakfast, not a good decision seeing that i havent had an appetite, now im sitting in shelby's dorm room, visiting her room, and sitting on her exercise ball. hmm exercise- thats not a word in my vocabulary anymore, or atleast since ive been at school its happened once for an hour then i couldnt move the next morning- youch! what to do tonight, go out and play with my friends, or stay inside and be a deborah again.... ohhh the things i should do.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


uut'z (noun) - the form of having dry heaving occur (walking with a cigarette in hang, being force fed dry mac n' cheese, etc.)

i have a case of the uut'z as we speak. my roomate was trying to be kind and make a feast for me, including my favorite... TEA! i drank half the tea, took two bites of the extremely dry mac n' cheese, and with a smile, pushed the plate back across the countertop (thank you, i am finished) NO- roomate insists she force feeds me with metal spoon scraping on my pearly whites, making me want to vomit. :) lifeee is wonderful!

[what am i listening too..?] -- Hero: Paramore.

i am very satisfied with the room rearranging. i feel ...more at home? all of my pictures are set up, but i am still waiting for my peg board- homemade tomorrow with the help of Home Depot supplies :] i have a feeling i am not going to sleep well tonight. too much on my mind mayybe? i am not looking forward to lying awake for hours forcing myself to sleep, my body is tired, but my mind is NOT! whoooo!

12:38 am- melissa (roomate) walks in, with FOUR! benadryl. holds out her hand and says here ya go babe! - FOUR! i think she may be trying to kill me, with compassion?? ahhh hahah HELLO!

thats' all folks, until next time- to the only person that reads this :( sad sad day!

popped cherrry :)

first blog, thanks to Thomas Tank!

still hung over at 9:14pm--from the night before! went to u of i with my lovely roomate Rhea! we had a fantastic time sharing beers, jokes, and sorority slams! Kellee V's apartmento is veryy fun and choatic, which i love because of moving into a new apartment with plain white walls, i love white.. but i need my organized clutter back in my life. so i came home, eiu.. hung up some pictures, posters, downloaded 400 new songs for power hour and birthday party, and i am typing at my computer with black murderer gloves on because of the shakes and cold clammy hands that occur when LaHurn gets hungover. Brothers: a good time.. i let down "danny" last night. felt real real bad about it, still do. but what should i have done? danced with him then been like okay bye... or jusst turn around and pretend stripes was lost, and needed to be found. (ex: KELLEE? KELLEE?) !!! ohhhhh good times. i think i made up 50 nicknames last night for all of my new friends and some of the old. here are some examples. RHEA: ray, christine, chrissy, cuntie. KELLEE: stripes, thomas tank, tommy, samantha, sammy, new elma sister. ALEX: violet, vi, new elma recruit #2. *TOP NIGHT, TOP NIGHT!*

SONG ADD : woah it was never my intention to brag... but God does it feel sooo good. [change song] I'm bringing sasssy back! [change song] your eyess are the size of the moonn! [ in comes the head bob]

i am loving living on my own, being the mommy of the apt (sometimes) and being independent..emotionally, physically, and mentally. but one thing has been biting a hole into my yiddle heart... not spending my 20th birthday with my best friend, and twin brother..steven paul christopher. never had my own bday party, never woke up rushing to say it first to him, not having a bday slumber in one of our rooms at home, and not blowing out the candles on the cake right after steven ( notice the ughh's and grunting in the background from the rude family members that i have, because they have to sing happy birthday song all over again, for lauren). I am still trying to devise a plan a and b and make something work out. its very hard growing up with someone your age, same friends, same schools, same job, same rooms (little children of course) and every birthday.. and then moving away and having the feeling over my head that i am a monster for leaving him behind. but i need to move on and grow up and make my own identity, not just a twinkie but a Lauren as herself. but. THIS WEEKEND COMING UP: is going to be amazing, fantabulous (rhea), wonderful (K.V.) and etc. i will have all my best friends back in one place and i can finally feel complete again. yayyyy for birthday weekends and friends that care.

pa pa pa peaceee out! :)
