Tuesday, September 16, 2008

asian cuisine.

jump asian cuisine at carman hall for dinner. met up shelby baby cause we havent seen her since my bday party. what a good friend. we were so close last year, and its really weird not having her next to me everyday like last year was. literally walked me to the bathroom because i was afraid of the silence and someone else walking in. she would sit next to me on the pot and pretend to pee until i was done. now THATS a fucking friend. :) and she was the best fricken eye brow plucker, i swear shes asian.

we i walk over to the fortune cookie bowl after finishing my delicious chicken terryaki dinner. complete with an egg woll :) and there are three left. one for rhe, one for shelb, one for me. i open mine. NOT A FORTUNE TO BE FOUND INSIDE OF MY FORTUNE COOKIE- rheas is like you will be a fucking millionaire and shelbys had to have said something along the lines of your the prettiest girl and youll be famous one day. mine- BLANK, A BLANK FRICKEN COOKIE. i dont know if thats bad good, or good luck- or nothing at all since theyre made in a factory. but as my favorite thing to do at carman is to get my fortune cause i save them all and put them on my bulletin board- and i get jipped. not cool.

sitting her in the family room having a captain/diet coke with rhea as she continues to play the same level over and over in "diddy kongg racingg!" i am sitting and admiring my new yellow leather watch complete with diamonds and a sick background. :) i love changing jewerly. lets see tomorrow class from 11-4, tomorow tennis dance, human phys lab. then NIU to see petros and ANTHONY! :) :) cant waitttttttttt!

is it good to exercise after a drink or two? ahahaha this should be funny.

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