Saturday, August 30, 2008

popped cherrry :)

first blog, thanks to Thomas Tank!

still hung over at 9:14pm--from the night before! went to u of i with my lovely roomate Rhea! we had a fantastic time sharing beers, jokes, and sorority slams! Kellee V's apartmento is veryy fun and choatic, which i love because of moving into a new apartment with plain white walls, i love white.. but i need my organized clutter back in my life. so i came home, eiu.. hung up some pictures, posters, downloaded 400 new songs for power hour and birthday party, and i am typing at my computer with black murderer gloves on because of the shakes and cold clammy hands that occur when LaHurn gets hungover. Brothers: a good time.. i let down "danny" last night. felt real real bad about it, still do. but what should i have done? danced with him then been like okay bye... or jusst turn around and pretend stripes was lost, and needed to be found. (ex: KELLEE? KELLEE?) !!! ohhhhh good times. i think i made up 50 nicknames last night for all of my new friends and some of the old. here are some examples. RHEA: ray, christine, chrissy, cuntie. KELLEE: stripes, thomas tank, tommy, samantha, sammy, new elma sister. ALEX: violet, vi, new elma recruit #2. *TOP NIGHT, TOP NIGHT!*

SONG ADD : woah it was never my intention to brag... but God does it feel sooo good. [change song] I'm bringing sasssy back! [change song] your eyess are the size of the moonn! [ in comes the head bob]

i am loving living on my own, being the mommy of the apt (sometimes) and being independent..emotionally, physically, and mentally. but one thing has been biting a hole into my yiddle heart... not spending my 20th birthday with my best friend, and twin brother..steven paul christopher. never had my own bday party, never woke up rushing to say it first to him, not having a bday slumber in one of our rooms at home, and not blowing out the candles on the cake right after steven ( notice the ughh's and grunting in the background from the rude family members that i have, because they have to sing happy birthday song all over again, for lauren). I am still trying to devise a plan a and b and make something work out. its very hard growing up with someone your age, same friends, same schools, same job, same rooms (little children of course) and every birthday.. and then moving away and having the feeling over my head that i am a monster for leaving him behind. but i need to move on and grow up and make my own identity, not just a twinkie but a Lauren as herself. but. THIS WEEKEND COMING UP: is going to be amazing, fantabulous (rhea), wonderful (K.V.) and etc. i will have all my best friends back in one place and i can finally feel complete again. yayyyy for birthday weekends and friends that care.

pa pa pa peaceee out! :)


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