Sunday, October 12, 2008


objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

i turn and look in the back seat to see this one.

brat wouldn't let me take a picture.

our new roomate. thachary binx. (hocus pocus)

looks how 90's my cd collection is. just too name a few. ricky martin, jewel, linkin park, 98 degrees, spice girls, mariah carey, and b-spears. wow. eclectic 10 yr. old :)
had a wonderful, busy, eventful 4 day weekend at home. THURSDAY- drove home to O.P. and met Steven & Chris at Home Run Inn, in chicago. by our old house. had a good dinner and then went back to chris' for a little bit, left and went home. rhea and big georgia came over with "half backed" pint icecream(s) and we had a girls night talk, then we all went in the basement and just chilled with steevoosh and chris. melissa and ryan stopped by and i ended up going to bed early cause i had a migrane.
FRIDAY-slept till 12:30, went downstairs and watched the recording of Grey's Anatomy. i love coming home from school to find the house decorated like were 5 yrs. old again. pumpkins, leaves, and ghosts all around the house. i invited jenna over to play at the park with me, we went with steven to the park with our tennis raquets and basketball and ran around again like 5 yr. olds. came back had lunch, rhea came over, melissa came over and i went and got my eyebrows waxed! FINALLY- i was looking like a beast. talked with mama and the girls, took a shower and me and mellancamp had power hour in my basement, then i made a terrific bonfire and we sat in my yard. coors lights and a bonfire- verrrr nice. okay ended up drinking like 11 beers- wastedddd. jill stopped over, rhea big and lil g's, and genie to chill in the yard with us for a little bit. then they all went home and mellancamp fell asleep in the family room, woke up at like 5:30 went in my bed and slept till 11.
SATURDAY- steevoosh and mamusia woke me up- blinds up, water bottle, advils, and stomach medicine. =] picked up rhea. took a shower. got ready for SIX FLAGS FRIGHT FEST! what a ballin time. i drove, chris sat in the front with me and danced the whole time, steven, jill, rhea and georgia all boogied in the back. six flags was packed! so we only went on a few rides. wizzer, viper, american eagle, and 3 spinny upside ones like in those little mardi gras towns. RAGING BULL WAIT WAS 3 HOURS! insane. came home and then i slept over at rheas. we just chilled outside and talked for a yiddle bit, had some camels' and went to bed.
TODAY- woke up, picked up tania. me rhea and tania went to blueberry hill pancake house for breakfast. the new one on Bell Rd. my favorite restaurant for breakfast ever! had the 'luck of the irish skillet' then went home and watched the bears game with steevoosh. so pissed we lost :( it was a great game. rhea picked me up, drove back to eiu with mel and the new kitty cat. THACHARY BINX- like the black cat from Hocus Pocus (LOVE THAT MOVIE) ps. he's black and 3 months old. adorable. such a good boy. sleeps a lot. got "fourth meal" for dinner and now were just chillen and doing homework. did my sunday chore so i can relax for the night.
THIS WEEK- 3 major tests, two midterms. its gonna suck. but good weekend at home, and homecoming is this week. were expecting a few visitors. CANT WAIT FOR HALLLLOOWEEENNN! :)

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