Sunday, August 31, 2008

birthdayy presents para muah!

these are the items that i am receiving from mommy for my bdayy! or just some items i'd like to list on my "wish list" i dream big, reall big!
so i woke up today, at 1:12pm! finally got a full night of sleeep, not on a couch, not on a floor! in my ownn bed-dark and silent! ahhh paradise. rhe rhe wooke me up by saying, can i come cuddle- what a way to wake up, shes only sweet to me in the morning cause she knows that i cant fight back or even open my eyes!

---went to subway for breakfast, not a good decision seeing that i havent had an appetite, now im sitting in shelby's dorm room, visiting her room, and sitting on her exercise ball. hmm exercise- thats not a word in my vocabulary anymore, or atleast since ive been at school its happened once for an hour then i couldnt move the next morning- youch! what to do tonight, go out and play with my friends, or stay inside and be a deborah again.... ohhh the things i should do.

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