Monday, September 1, 2008

"Don't say i never gave you anything..."

two early birthday gifts from Haley J Scott (jenna). she is really the one who knows me best. got my the sickest gifts ever ( i dont even like the word sick, but i said it like 4 times today!!) this AWESOME necklace from urban outfitters. its gold and has angel wings (Peyton Sawyer from OTH wears it) and a Kelly Clarkson album that i can hang on the wall. AMAZING! I'm very into discovering old albums and starting an album collection, so i finally got my second piece of it, and it was the first gift of my birthday! woot! i'm happy she is back from the weekend, feels better when all of us are here- we went through this whole sad stage last year when i was at school and she was home, and she was only gone for 4 days and it felt like last year again when she would call me very upset cause i wasnt thurr for hurr.. sad sad day- but not today cause shess home! and buys the best presents everrrr!


10:45am -Steven Paul Christopher (my wombmate was born)
10:46am -Lauren Terese Kathryn (his wombmate was born)

talked to mommy tonight. she cried on the phone cause the poor gal fell while walking the dog and scraped her face, and im usually there to be her nurse, and then she said she feels bad that i'm away at school and not home with her or my bro for my birthday- literally needs to stop being brought up! haha.

tomorrow i have class from 10:00-11:40 TENNIS! my teacher is soo nice so im excited, then i have a break and then class from 2:00-3:40 DANCE! ughhh the life is soo hard. haha then rhea planned a nice little dinner in my behalf at Bufffffalo wild wings in matttoon! :) hollaz. i had jenna write out a card in my name for steven and drop it off at the house for him today becuase i forgot to give him the one i had for him here.. he read it and jenna made fun of me in the card that was supposed to be from me! what a lil cuntie.. haha

so stripes just posted up new pics that made me piss myself. maybe ill get to be in the life in plastic gang one day. :(

well i have to go help melissa bake cookies, for my birthday?? i dont remember ever cooking my own bday treats in the past buts its cool its cool.

peace out!

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