Monday, September 15, 2008


stand up comedy is the greatest thing to watch on a monday night with your roomates.

Ellen Degeneres "Here and Now!" takes it to the next level. She takes everyday life situations that everyone goes through and makes you laugh and feel socially accepted. she brings up tripping in public, calling someones name and they dont hear you (NANCY!), grabbing for toilet paper in a public bathroom, and how to talk to people (not engaged in full converstaion).

downloaded some new songs in class today, listened to "classs- I'M SERIOUS!" about 50 times.

made dinner for the roomates and i- pastaa and homemade garlic bread. OTH is on tonight at 8, so the apartment is gonna go nutzo! i saw this picture today and i wanted to post it.

-----> house in bambara-mali, Africa.
and some complain when they dont have their own room. guilty. i need to learn how to appreciate people and relationships rather than objects and material things. i love to shop and i always want more. but when does more get to be too much? idk. just a thought.

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