Tuesday, September 23, 2008


"Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white!" -Mean Girls.

"Horrible, Horrible. If you makes you feel any better, I forgot my reading glasses." -Home Alone

"Well color me happy, theres a sofa in here for two!"- Pretty Woman.

"Tell me one person who it's worked out for? What? you want me to name someone? You want like a name? Oh God, the pressure of a name...I got it- CINDAFUCKINRELLA! -Pretty Woman.

i heard this weekend that my blog wasnt impressive anymore and that it was too debbie downer. so i though i would put some funny quotes in the beginning- THERE YA GO CHRIS! haha.

so i thought about another tattoo idea last night. I was really set on getting the roman numerals on my wrist, but a smart fella told me that it shouldnt be the first one i get (or atleast dont get it on my wrist). so i might be getting a "dreamcatcher" on my right shoulder blade. Dreamcatchers were used by the Indians to catch all of the bad dreams and make all your real and good dreams come true. I think its such a cool concept, and forgot that i always had one since i was little over my bed, until we moved when i was 14 i lost it. It was turquoise and brown. the tat i get will have turquoise in it, to remind me of my old one.

i skipped tennis today! wtf- i was doing so good, going to all my classes-- but its true, once you miss one, you wake up and say ohh whatever were not doing anything important today- well im all of out absences for my tennis- were allowed two freebies then they start to count against you. i shouldve waited till the snowy weather came, not 87 and sunny. dumbass.

Just starting to write a paper for Health class- the one that i could literally teach; blinded and with no prior notes. soooo sad.

got my Human Physiology test back- 81%, thought i couldve done better, but i'll settle for a B! tonight i might be rejoining the Haiti Connection. I feel bad that im not doing like i did last year to help people. i feel useless? noo thats too emo- i just want to feel like a good person again. its a good cause and i have nothing going on tuesday nights anyways-

melissa and i are making some cool looking bracelets, and we just got done eating Chubby's. just kill me now. haha Parents weekend coming up this weekend- momma bill steven maybe brandon and chris are coming up friday, and then saturday were gunna go to the football game and during half time- grill with Will's family and all of our friends and parents! holla to a good time.


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