Saturday, August 30, 2008


uut'z (noun) - the form of having dry heaving occur (walking with a cigarette in hang, being force fed dry mac n' cheese, etc.)

i have a case of the uut'z as we speak. my roomate was trying to be kind and make a feast for me, including my favorite... TEA! i drank half the tea, took two bites of the extremely dry mac n' cheese, and with a smile, pushed the plate back across the countertop (thank you, i am finished) NO- roomate insists she force feeds me with metal spoon scraping on my pearly whites, making me want to vomit. :) lifeee is wonderful!

[what am i listening too..?] -- Hero: Paramore.

i am very satisfied with the room rearranging. i feel ...more at home? all of my pictures are set up, but i am still waiting for my peg board- homemade tomorrow with the help of Home Depot supplies :] i have a feeling i am not going to sleep well tonight. too much on my mind mayybe? i am not looking forward to lying awake for hours forcing myself to sleep, my body is tired, but my mind is NOT! whoooo!

12:38 am- melissa (roomate) walks in, with FOUR! benadryl. holds out her hand and says here ya go babe! - FOUR! i think she may be trying to kill me, with compassion?? ahhh hahah HELLO!

thats' all folks, until next time- to the only person that reads this :( sad sad day!

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