Saturday, September 6, 2008

it wasnt even good, TRUST me!

saturday night. very crabby and annoyed. i am supposed to be at u of i right now with the roomies and the rest of this weekend's party crew, but instead i sit here and blog. whoo rude people. listened to A LOT of Kelly Clarkson today. she's my escape into my world of feelings. put on a song of hers, and immediately you connect. i know a lot of people view her as a sell out or only because of her song on the radio "since you been" being over played, but get into the rest of the cd and she just hits that target everytime.

"i'm confusing as hell, I'm north and south-and I'll probably never have it all figured, but what i know is i wasnt meant to walk this world without you, and i promise i'll try, ya I'm gonna try, to give you every little part of me every single detail you missed with your eyes, and maybe- maybe ya maybeee.
-i should know better than to touch the fire twice
-i certainly dont need to be found, I'M NOT LOST- I need to be loved."

ohhh K.C. love off my lifeeee!

yesterday-was amazing! all of my favorite people came over to help end the birthday celebration. all the roomies, steven, chris, kv, x, loski, kim, karen, shelby,sam, lil chris, will, steve, tony, stevee, and some others! i just spent the morning sleeping and then woke up and cleaned the apt, got a case of MGD 24 (my fave) (DARK BEER!!!) took a shower, straightened the main, opened my gifts from twinkie- got awesome earrings from urban and finally my purple people eater hoodie zippy from A.A.!! then my u of i friendss came! kellee, x, and lauren. i was laughing my ass off because they came drunk! MD! well not all of them came drunk cause yanno driving and what not so i had to play catchh up but luckily i wasnt the only one. started drinking here, made my visitors some fooddd, took a hour to pick an ugly outfit that i eventually changed out of at wills (thanks for the shorts willie!) then the rest of the eiu gang came over! lovee lovee lovee you lauren was said to me.. hmm- did u love me when it was my brithday and you werent at my dinner! ahah im a cunite. anywaysss then the gang of like 20 or more people walked like an army brigade over to will's and startedd the dance partayy! it was a lot of fun -- steven hurn did a keg stand *beer stand* and was DROPPPPED! then stripes tried getting me to do it, and luckily she didnt see my run away behind will's heater. i was soooo scared cause i didnt wanna be vulnerable, even though everyone was drunkski already but im a classy bitch, not a keg stander! :) then sat outside, started to be mean drunkie gal to will-felt really bad but i was trying to get my point across and people were covering my mouth :( HATE THAT! so i continued to listen and then just sat and smoked my cig, shut my mouth and ended up getting the uut'z so we left! came home-fought kellee again! about the sleeping situation, little cuntie. fought with jenna about something i dont even remember- i hate when i get the mean drunk.. i was so happy and sweet then BAM i went all steven hurn on everyone, but with the best intentions of my friends in mind.. i dont know if that makes sense or not?

woke up to crabby's leaving the apt. sat on the couch and fell back asleep-- woke up and found out the rudest news ever haha. the gang didnt feel like heading over to u of i, minus my love rhea! so we sat around all day trying to decide on what to do since we werent heading to k.v's - such a sad sad sadddd day! i wanted to go sooo bad and celebrate the end of the bday weekend and go out with my besties but they were all hungover and lazy. so whatev's ill make it out there in the next couple weeks.

tattoo-- what to get, i have a couple of ideas but im not to sure on where to get it. im thinking wrist how i was gunna get it when i turned 19 but it was turned down, until mama said that i could get it if it was nice and small and that she would pay for it. BDAY PRESENT? yess!

well its not even 9 yet, i say we get in the car and suprise pixie and the roomies.. but i dont think that'll pass. whatev's !

-i leave you with this---- K.C. "sloww, sloww it down-why do we run were missing so much babe just lay in my arms for a while and- Be Still"

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