Monday, September 8, 2008

Things i like, Lambchop, Toy KEY wrap!

The attitude i wish i had, learning to stand up for myself day by day.
The Tattoo i decided on. :)
The Style i want to dress like, ohh one day when I'm... famous?

I did good. She did good. All is good.

Me being lame in class, trying to show my roomates that

I am an antisocial cuntie in class, but i have a reason- I'm not a fan of the sorority people, they just dont seem interesting so i tend to myself, my iPhone, and texting.

Getting ready to watch One Tree Hill with the roomies. dont know why i got sucked into this show, but it just pulls ya in and it always leaves you with wanting to watch it again next week. I guess its cause my roomies gave me a character to live vicariously through :) Or i mean Rhea- rooming with her last year, i was forced to watch that instead of being a loyal american idol watcher.
BOOF- severe weather alarm just popped up on the TV! i lovee watching storms!
driving in them? NOT SOOO MUCH.
dinner- im going to turn into a fucking turkey wrap. its all i eat these days. and a yummy diet coke with 6 pieces of ice :)
i want to be hyper and my friends wont let me. theyre being huge fricken debbies and im making myself laugh so hard that im in tears! doing the "OH CHERRRRII" voice from LAMBCHOP! mu hahahaha
i think im going home this weekend. theres nothing else to do and i dont wanna be stuck with ....... all weekend and be bored- unless theres other plans. going to u of i on thursday for dinner and maybe staying so i can go to the bars, & play with friends. and then walking home. if i go home. ughh boof!
hope you liked my pics, im sooo bored that thats what this blog had to be about.
-LaHurn xx.

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