Monday, October 6, 2008

public possession.

thurs- Carrie Underwood concert. Firehaus bar at u of i. Slumbo with my other set of roomates. another good time at 103 cha**ers, the concert was amazing and so were our seats.

fri- drove back to eiu, was very crabby and menstrual. took a 2 hr. nap, showered, and people started to come over to our small get together (pajama beerpong!!) just an excuse to not dress up. turned out great, about 25 people were here- no drama, and everyone had a good time.

sat- steven and chris left, i decided to get a huge hair cut, cutting off 7 1/2 inches of nasty hair. i love the new look. its helping with the whole confidence aspect, and its easier to do. came back and got the shakes cause i didnt eat so i laid down for a bit, woke up and had some cereal. the boys came over and we started to play some flippy cup where i ended up beating all 5 people on the opposite team .. ya. beast?
then some more people came over and we headed over to justins. was having a great time talking to mystery man Zach. who i need to find. went outside to help some friends out not end up getting in a fight, and i got caught with a beer in my hand. was put into the cop car, and i thought i was fucked. i am pretty much- but it couldve been worse. i was very respectful and answered everything with a yes sir, no sir answer. i have to be present in court with an attorney, to plead my case- doesnt this all sound fake? ya. i wish it was. then some other family drama occurred that my close people know about, im not going to blog about it. but i was a wreck, pretty upset that sat night/sun morning. ended up going to bed at 5:30,i laid with rhea and she talked with me and helped me fall asleep, and stop shaking.

sun- chill day fo sho! watched the bears win, the sox win, went to buffalo wild wings with my friends, then came home and did some homework and went to bed. yet i didnt sleep more than like 20 minutes so i ditched classes today 2/3 but one didnt take attendance. dinner in half hour. at thomas dining hall with LINDSAY! *old .r.a* nicest person in this entire world. not kidding.

soo hungry.
soo happy with new hair.
soo dont want to be in school anymore.
soo excited for dinner.


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